58102 Mazda 787B (1992)
58357 Mazda 787B (2005)
There is no difference worth to mention between the original and the re-released version.
58106 Stadium Blitzer (1992)
58482 Stadium Blitzer (2011)
There is no difference worth to mention between the original and the re-released version.
58109 Nissan R91 CP (1992)
84264 Nissan R91 CP (2012)
There is no difference worth to mention between the original and the re-released version.
84386 Toyota Mountain Rider (2014)
The 2014 version is a about identical to the original, the chassis being slightly revised, especially the gearbox.
58116 Dyna Storm (1992)
49190 Dyna Storm (2002)
Strictly identical to the original but re-released in limited edition with a Dynastorm Special motor (Acto-Power 2WD 14x2).
58122 Blitzer Beetle (1993)
58252 Blitzer Beetle Chrome (1999)
58502 Blitzer Beetle (2011)
The original model and its chrome version are identical, apart from the chrome bodyshell and its specific stickers, as well as the TR-15T wheels (1st gas-powered model from Tamiya). The 2011 re-released version introduces two main differences: chromed door mirrors the original didn't have and it lacks the rear window.
49490 Mitsubishi Pajero Metaltop (2008 / 2012)
47331 Mitsubishi Pajero Metaltop (2017)
Re-released twice strictly as per the original, and a third time under the reference 47331, again identical to the original.
58141 Jeep Wrangler (1994)
84071 Jeep Wrangler (2009)
Strictly identical to the original.
58161 Ford F-150 (1995)
58495 Ford F-150 1995 (Baja Version) (2011)
There is no difference worth to mention between the original and the re-released version, despite the new TA-02T chassis name and a longer name.
58181 Stadium Thunder (1996)
58524 Stadium Thunder (2012)
Strictly identical to the original, apart from the Sport Tuned motor replaced by a Mabuchi 540 (thanks Kyosuke).
58205 Madbull (1997)
58205 Madbull (2011)
Strictly identical to the original, including the reference.
58229 Toyota GT-One TS-020 (1998)
84266 Toyota GT-One TS-020 (2011)
Strictly identical to the original with minor stickers alteration.
58275 Mad Fighter (2001)
58275 Mad Fighter (2011)
Strictly identical to the original, including the reference.