Happy New Year 2017!
Thank you for your support!
PS : I had to delay several on-going projects, but I should feed your RC appetite soon
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Google + / Google Photos
I have decided to close my website Google+ account, along with the associated photo gallery (formerly PicasaWeb). I can't / don't want to spend hours to entirely rearrange the whole gallery each time Google decides to alter it. As far as the Google+ "social network" aspect is concerned, I didn't use it so no big loss here .
In short:
Public Facebook page (available even without a Facebook account).
FlickR gallery: many photos of my models.
Dailymotion channel: videos (same as Youtube).
This was just a quick message to keep you posted, because I guess you won't be many to even notice this .
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2015 Statistics
You were a little bit more than 120.000 unique visitors over the year: that is a new record!
Overall, independently form your reading language, here is the top 3 of the most read articles on the site:
- Tamiya Re-releases (+ 17.000 views)
- Tamiya Off-Road chassis (+ 14.000 views)
- Tamiya On-Road chassis (+ 11.000 views)
Again this year, thank you very much for your support!
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Happy New Year 2016!
I wish you a happy 2016 year in RC.
2015 looked very calm RC-wise on the site because all my attention was focused on setting up the new site version. But don't worry, projects are pilling up, so you should get fresh material to read soon
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New version of the site
This is the most important evolution of my site since it was created back in 2008: I abandoned the original hand-coded framework for a much more modern solution that will significantly make my life easier, both in maintaining the site and the writing of articles. This new major evolution is for you too because more and more of you are using portable devices to surf the internet: the new version will automatically adapt itself and perfectly fit your screen.
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2014 Statistics
As for statistics, figures are still amazing and still growing:
- Almost 120.000 unique visitors this year, the average being over 500 visitors per day(!).
- among my models, the three most viewed are the Grasshopper II, Monster Beetle and Ford F-150. Among the less viewed, the Road Wizard, Williams FW11B and Toyota Tom's 84C. These podiums are overall for the site: depending on the language the article in written in, podiums are different.
Thank you for your many mails and for your support!
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Happy New Year 2015!
Happy New Year everybody. This year too, have tons of fun with your models.
Writing the RC Tech Guides took me quite some time in 2014, but you like them a lot if I believe the stats. I still have no precise plans for the site in 2015: may be new guides, probably new models too.
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Europe and France decided to warn web users about the use of cookies by forcing every website to install technical measures to inform you about them. Thus that nag screen you now need to validate (once a year!) in order to access the site. Sorry.
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RC Tech Guides
Opening of a new section.
Lately, technologies involved in RC have been evolving very fast, implying many questions, many changes affecting our models and how we use them. These new technologies are complicated and many of us are confused: these new RC Tech Guides are meant to bring easy to understand answers to these questions by reviewing the historic evolution of these components.
First guide: Electronic speed controllers, ESC, Mechanical Speed Controllers, MSC, motors.
More will follow.
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2013 Statistics
As years go by, figures increase and I still can't believe the reports:
- Over 100.000 unique visitors over the year with a peak at 899 visitors during one single day(!).
- 2/3 of the audience is now reading the English versions of my website (I will have to keep improving my skills
- My YouTube channel got 72.000 views... which represent over a 47 day-long continuous viewing(!).
These reports and your numerous emails are a great source of motivation to constantly improve the website. THANK YOU!
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Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you and the ones you care: may 2014 be even better than 2013... and may good resolutions last
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Other news
Site coding has been improved (what you don't see but that makes the site display into your internet browser). In concrete terms, updates are now automatic and displayed as soon as I publish them.
Many of you asked for it, so I created a dedicated Facebook page for the site. However, I can not promise to answer all comments you may leave on the page: for specific inquiries, I recommend you keep using emails to contact me directly.
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2012 Statistics
I keep on being amazed by these figures since they show your interest for the site. Here are the most significant for the past year:
- Over 90.000 unique visitors over the year with a peak at over 10.000 during the month of december.
- Over 400.000 pages viewed over the year with a peak at 40.000 in december.
To get a better idea of what this means, imagine the whole website would fit on a CD-ROM (which is true, probably not for long anymore). The overall bandwidth consumption in 2012 raised to 400 Gb (this represents the volume of data transfered in one year from the server to your internet browsers to display the site). Which would represent over 600 CD-ROM copies...
Thank you!
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Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you and the ones you care: I wish you the best for 2013.
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New name!
It was time this site received a real name instead of being called just after me. So here we are: new name, but same site and address. After all, we're talking about Tamiya Classics and Moderns here, right?
I want to thank my friends David from RC 4 Old Nuts and Laurent from Tamiya and More who brought the idea and helped choosing the graphics.
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2011 Statistics: 5 Years!
Exactly 5 years ago, my Blackfoot Xtreme was the first RC entry on the Black Hole Sun website.
But let's first have a look on what happened in 2011:
- many new RC Guide Books and Catalogs thanks to Tony and Replay who completed those already offered by Clive and Guillaume
- opening of BaraToZ drivers' interviews
- 7 new models joined my collection
All this activity seems to have grown the interest for the site since you were even more to visit it:
- more than 75.000 unique visitors over the year, that is an average of over 9.000 visits per month
- more than 300.000 pages viewed over the year, that is over 25.000 per month
- close to 2/3rd of displayed pages are English versions, showing the international interest for the site
- last, the videos on my Youtube channel were viewed close to 150.000 times over the year
Thank you for being so many to visit the site every day, thank you for your interest.
As a conclusion, I was far from anticipating how big this site would grow when I published the first entry in the RC section back on january 8th, 2007, that is exactly 5 years ago. This site exists thanks to all RC fans around the world who publish websites, reviews or replies on forums. Thanks to all of you who inspired me, from whom I learned and keep learning, I do my best to share my passion. Thank you.
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Welcome to RC for Old Nuts
RC for Old Nuts is a brand new website created by my friend Teamneogordini. It is about old iconic RC models from any brand, but presented from the user passion point of view instead of techniques and performance. The website name means "RC for oldies" but it doesn't say whether "oldies" or "nuts" refer to the models or the readers .
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Happy New Year!
The team from Black Hole Sun website (which is me, myself and I ) wishes you the best for 2012.
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Happy Birthday Tamiyablog!
By luck, there are pure jewels on internet: Tamiyablog is one of them. For 5 years and for free, Tamiyablog has been offering reliable news about new Tamiya models to the fans, covering international RC fairs and anything related to the brand. But Tamiyablog's team goes even further: they publish detailled articles to present models and offer very relevant analysis on Tamiya, models and the RC world.
If you still haven't found Tamiyablog, pay them a visit and see by yourself. As a bonus, Tamiyablog celebrates their 5 year anniversary by offering a Sand Rover 2011 to the winner of the competition they organize to celebrate the event. And if you want to stay tuned to the freshest reliables news, subscribe their RSS feed... for free. This is what passion is all about: sharing with other.
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2010 Statistics
2010 was a year for new audience records:
- from 3.000 visits a month in january, you were more than 6.000 to come to this site in december
- over the year, you were more than 60.000 visitors and you read more than 200.000 pages on the site
A huge thank you to every one of you: in addition to the mails more and more of you send to me, the very strong increase of audience statistics give me an extra motivation to work harder on the site. I especially thank those of you who help me to improve the site by spending time and efforts to scan documents and those who give me very nice pictures of their models to illustrate my articles.
I designed this website to share my passion and I am very happy to see that so many of you appreciate my work and share their passion with me.
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Happy New Year!
All my best wishes for the New Year: could 2011 be better than 2010.
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Technical update
I've just finished to entirely migrate the whole site into php: this is a language that will both help me to maintain and to update the website, but it also offers new perspectives for future articles.
On your side, nothing changes: every article is still available and all links to the old pages are automatically redirected to the new ones. The only visible change for you is located in the page URL: they previously ended with ".html" and now they have the ".php" extension. But their content remains the same.
Now, I just need time to learn how to make use of the new php possibilities .
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2009 Statistics
The site grew a lot along the past year, and statistics show that you liked it: you were over 25.000 visitors and read over 70.000 pages. It's 4 times more than in 2008! A big thanks to all of you as this is a proof that you show interest in what I share with you.
For 2010, I have some nice surprises in stock to be shared with you for the next months. I also hope to open at last that "Racing" section that desperately remained empty for so many months. 2009 was pretty rich, 2010 should be even richer.
Thanks all for your interest to my site and for your many mails to felicitate and encourage me.
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Happy New Year!
I wish you the best for the new year: could it be full of happiness, health... and RC passion.
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As you can see, I updated the site overall design. No more interlinked menus that were difficult to surf with: now everything can be reached using the menu on the left side.
All graphic elements and banners were also reworked.
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W3C validation!
The W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) promotes the creation of standards over Internet. The goal is that a web site should be exactly the same whatever browser you use. In fact, for this to happen, every browser and every website should respect these standards. Obvious.
That's what I did on my side for this site: an extended code revision to make it comply the W3C standards. What does it change for you? A better surf and better display (photos well aligned etc...). Hopefully, you'll see this website as I mean to present it to you ... as long as your browser is W3C compliant (none is fully compliant).
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2008 Statistics
I just checked the site statistics: impressive! I did not expect such a success.
You are more than 8.000 to have visited this site (including 25% of english-speaking people), you read over 25.000 pages (!) mainly in the RC Models section (80%). You are mainly interested in big wheels models (the Monster Beetle leads them all), the Tamiya section and the buggies. But the most impressive is the constant audience growth all year long: from 77 visitors in january to more than 1.400 in december.
Thanks everyone for showing your interest: this motivates me to keep on improving and completing the site to share my hobby with you.
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Happy New Year!
All my best wishes for the new year.
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Black Hole Sun goes international
Several visitors asked me to translate articles over the lasts months, especially in the RC section. So I translated the whole site into English
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Before that...
This site was born back in june 2005: it was first written in French only and it had no RC related content at all.
Instead, it was focused on grid-computing, the Seti@Home project and later the BOINC platform.
RC content only appeared at the beginning of 2007 when I first got my Blackfoot Xtreme, and one year after that, the website could be reach at the current www.blacholesun.fr address.
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