Dyna Storm
Honestly, I was not actively looking for this model, but when this opportunity showed up on the Vintage-RC forum, I immediately clicked. After all, the Dyna Storm was somewhere on my (secret ^^) list of models since it has a significant importance in Tamiya history.
The Dyna Storm family
Technically, the Dyna Storm belongs to the Astute dynasty, being its last evolution.
58080 Astute (1989)
58097 Super Astute (1991)
58116 Dyna Storm (1992)
The boxart
Photos © Tamiya from Tamiya RC Guide Books
However, the Dyna Storm origins are mostly found in a Team TRF prototype called TRF211X. From what we know about it, it was designed using the Super Astute as starting point and then tested by TRF drivers in a few races in USA and Europe.
Despite being written in Japanese, it is wise to read RC Fan's website where the TFR211X is reviewed and compared to the Dyna Storm. OK, automatic inline translators show their limits, but the content is worth the effort.
The Dyna Storm career is not limited to this: it also shared most of its genes with two other models. These two Stadium Trucks can be considered as cousins, even if one of them is better known as Tamiya's first gas-powered model.
58123 Dyna Blaster (1993)
44001 Stadium Racing Truck TR-15T (1993)
Photos © Tamiya from Tamiya RC Guide Books
Last, Tamiya decided to extend the Dyna Storm commercial life with a limited edition re-release in 2002. To my knowledge, the only difference is the motor: the original version was gifted an Acto Power 2WD 14x2 motor whereas the re-release came with a Dyna Storm Special (which is an Acto Power with no marking and bushings instead of ball bearings).
49190 Dyna Storm (2002)
7434006 Dyna Storm Special
Photos © Tamiya
In conclusion, the Dyna Storm is the first model from the Team TRF, Tamiya's racing department created when the Avante was released. The Dyna Storm, despite being somewhat fragile, was an extremely good racer at the time. Some even whisper that Tamiya re-released it in 2002 because it was still good enough 10 years after its initial release. Paradoxically, we had to wait until 2010 for a new 2WD racing buggy to be released (kit 42167 TRF201 or the 58477 Zahhak "general public" variant).
My Dyna Storm when it arrived
As I said earlier, you can't spot any difference between the original and re-released versions, except the motor. In this case, the discussion was nonexistent since my model came with no motor at all . Here are the photos supplied by the former owner:
Obviously, the model is in excellent condition, as the very few marks underneath the chassis prove. The front and rear tires are not original (original set shown on the 4th photo), the steering servo is a low-profile unit and the bodyshell is in perfect boxart condition (the rear wing too).